Rice Heritage Trail proposed for Callan

Proposed Trail Route

This week at the Callan Thomastown Municipal District meeting local Cllr Joe Lyons has proposed his idea for a “Rice Trail” in Callan.

Cllr Lyons proposed idea is to start a heritage trail at Cherryfield Famine Graveyard the trail would then make its way to Callan via the old Clonmel Road at which point the next stop would be the Callan Workhouse. The trail would then proceed to the Callan Parish Church where it would continue down Green Street to St Mary’s Abbey and turn right onto Mill Street to the Macra Hall.

Once in Mill Street, it would include the Friary Complex where it would continue over the Friary Bridge to the Abbey Meadow.

The last part of the trail would then include The Moat where it would continue under the bypass bridge via a proposed new walkway to Westcourt where it would finally connect to the homestead of Edmund Ignatius Rice.

It is hoped by Cllr Lyons that Trail Kilkenny will work with relevant stakeholders to draft up plans for the proposed trial, interest has also been expressed by locals that local groups such as Callan Heritage will also be involved in the creation of information panels as part of the trail.

The proposed trail would be approx 4.5km long when completed. It is hoped that this new addition to Callan would be an attraction to both locals and tourists visiting the town.

Abbey Meadow
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