One-Way announcement by Kilkenny County Council

One Way Traffic Layout (Click to Enlarge)

Kilkenny County Council has announced on its website its intention to change Bridge Street to a one-way street for a period of up to 12 months starting from Monday, September 28th to facilitate social distancing.

These changes involve changing R692 Bridge Street to a one-way from its junction with West Street/Mill Street to its junction with Flaggy Lane/Kilkenny Road. The alternative route will be the N76 Callan By-Pass.

These proposed changes will mean that those living, working or attending school north of the Abbey Meadow (towards Kilkenny City) will be required to use the N76 By-pass to access the larger part of Callan town including Green street and associated roads.

Deadline for submissions:
It’s important you have your say so submissions or observations in relation to these changes should be made in writing to T Butler, Director Of Services, Kilkenny County Council Hall, John Street, Kilkenny. The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Thursday the 3rd of September 2020.

At the time of writing the websites has not included any plans for the proposed road layout including if any parking will be allowed or if any provisions have been made to enable cyclists to cycle in both directions through Bridge Street.

Kilkenny CoCo Road Close Notice

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