Callan receives funding allocation

Callan has received an allocation of €22,500 in funding under the Active Travel and Climate Change Adaptation Measures towards the provision of widened footpaths under the Active Travel Measures Allocations 2020.

This allocation forms of the overall €115 million package for sustainable transport and the renewal of our transport infrastructure given under the Government’s July Jobs Stimulus Plan.

It follows consideration of applications received from local authorities, grants totalling €33 million are now being allocated to 22 local authorities for 531 active travel projects. These projects, which will be implemented this year, include 263 related to the construction and improvement of footpaths, 75 involving cycleway works and 193 associated with improving accessibility.

Kilkenny County Council has been succesful in receiving a number of allocations which will benefit a number of towns and villages including Callan throughout the county.

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