Callan Friary Complex – Public Consultation on 9th Feb

Major progress has been made since Kilkenny County Council selected Callan to pilot the
“Framework for Town Centre Renewal” published by the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and
Conservation, Heather Humphries in 2016.

The Council identified Callan as a priority location due to the severe decline in its economy and the
dereliction in Mill Street and Bridge Street. Over the last five years Kilkenny County Council have had
a key focus on addressing these issues through the targeting of investment and the development of
proposals that are adding to the regeneration of Callan.

The latest initiative is to develop the Friary Complex and buildings on Bridge Street. Kilkenny County
Council has secured funding from the Department of Rural and Community Development towards
the pre-design/pre-planning of the Friary and Priory buildings and the purchase and conduct of
further work on two buildings on Bridge Street including Ui Loinsigh’s Pub and Powers Building.

Research firm Market Dynamics has been commissioned to undertake consultations with
stakeholders and members of the community in and around Callan to get their views on this plan. A
public consultation meeting will be held and an online survey is available to complete. We are keen
to hear opinions and ideas from as many people as possible.

Public Consultation Meeting
Thursday, February 9th @ 7pm in Callan Parish Hall

Online Survey
An online survey is another important component of the project. The 16 questions should take 5-10
minutes to answer and all information provided will be kept confidential. Link below.

If you have any questions about the project contact John Gilsenan at

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